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Transformational Models and Dimensions
1) Charisma or idealized :
The leader behaves in admirable ways and displays convictions and takes stands that cause followers to identify with the leader who has a clear set of values and acts as a role model for the followers.
2) Inspirational motivation:
The degree to which the leader articulates a vision that is appealing to and inspires the followers with optimism about future goals, and offers meaning for the current tasks in hand.
3) Intellectual stimulation:
The degree to which the leader challenges assumptions, stimulates and encourages creativity in the followers - by providing a framework for followers to see how they connect to the leader, the organization, each other, and the goal] they can creatively overcome any obstacles in the way of the mission.
4) Personal and individual attention: the degree to which the leader attends to each individual follower's
needs and acts as a mentor or coach and gives respect to and appreciation of the individual's contribution to the team. This fulfills and enhances each individual team members' need for self-fulfillment, and self-worth -and in so doing inspires followers to further achievement and growth.